Life marches on, doesn’t it?
I was going through my old tumblr messages, from years gone by, thinking how I’m not really in touch with you all here anymore. I felt a bit melancholy about that. I read messages from Anna, now almost a year dead, thinking about how short and insignificant our time here is… All the more reason to live the fuck out of it.
I miss chatting with you all about your lives and the crazy turns they took. Many of us changed our stars here. Moved with purpose towards lives we wanted to be living.
I’m a work in progress. As always. But I am stupidly blessed with goodness. All pain being a great opportunity for self reflection and hopefully growth.
My business is going great!! I’m not financially free, but I am paying my bills and building a solid reputation along the way. So slap that bitch in the win column.
My Mum is visiting from 3500k away!!! Her yearly trek is here, and I am loving it. Tonight we watched a show she said was really funny… dear god, I cried through most of it. Grace and Frankie. I don’t think divorce, even though mine was the best thing for me ever, funny. I have come to the conclusion that there couldn’t be two more horribly mismatched words as Romantic Comedy. There is a reason I don’t watch tv. I have a giant set of baggage that makes me bawl and miserable and feel alone and afraid, and deeply unlovable. I’m glad music and porn are on the cleared of emotional debris list.
I hope your all having wonderful nights. I hope you’re snoodled up to your loved one. Be sure to give them a kiss and a squeeze next time they are in arms reach.
And tell them sweet words… Whatever is in your heart. I hope it’s beautiful. And I hope it turns into juicy, delicious sex.