My brother sent me this picture over the holidays, it was the last Christmas I spent with my Grandmum. She lived for 5 more years after that.
I had been up for over 24 hours, travelling for 8 and I’m sure I’m regaling her with some part of my journey. I have a goofy ass look on my face.
It had been a Christmas where I didn’t have my kids. My baby brother bought me a plane ticket and picked me up in Toronto (he had flown in from Kentucky) and we’d both surprise our family. Sadly my other brother and his family couldn’t make it. But we surprised the hell out of everyone. Even my Dad cried.
I miss this woman all the time. My Mum was the oldest of 5, so I kind of felt like their youngest. I miss the both of them. I have dreams of them, and it would feel like I had spent time with the two of them, right down to the warmth of their hugs. I haven’t had any in many months.
It is noteworthy to mention that I am 4’11. She used to be as well. I guess if I make it to 93, I can look forward to being shorter too.