Misty is in an adventurous mood this month. Post all of our family Christmas stuff, lots of kids and family all the time, she’s been itching to to be more of her Misty side. Most of the time s/he presents as a man, but s/he needs/craves this time with her feminine side. So the last two weeks, have been, well, fun for her.
We always talk about the importance of putting on your own oxygen mask first. We both believe that making sure your happiness cup is full is really important, and that it’s not anyone’s job but your own. Of course we both make each other happy, but neither of us feel under pressure to make sure the other one is getting all their needs met. Some times a girl just needs a real dick, you know? We are taking care of our own hearts and desires, and if we need something from the other person, we ask. Communication is just SO important.
Talking about how we feel is a daily thing, and sometimes it’s “I don’t feel like talking about it.”, and that’s okay too.
So this week Misty has had a gentleman caller and has been working on her sex toy projects (she has two major ones on the go), and as soon as they are closer to done, I’ll share them.
Along with sticking interesting things in her bottom, she decided this month she was going to post videos of herself publicly. I always joked that she was my favourite porn star, and now I can say that for reals!
(the dress s/he is wearing is one my Mum bought for her)