1) Our neighbour had moved out next door, I was about 8, and they had left some things by the garage, one of the items was this strange decorative grass that I thought was cool. I helped myself to it thinking they had left it behind for garbage pick up. Nope! I felt terrible and told my Mum who then helped me return the strange decorative grass (it was different colours and taller than me). I felt terrible. Ugh, I even felt bad writing that.
2) It takes a lot to upset me, but I think cruelty and meanness. We all carry burdens, why do some people have to be so hurtful?
3) Innie
4) I like my name, I wouldn’t change it. I like that different people use different variations of it. There is an intimacy in that. If my Dad had his way, I’d be an Alice.
5) 1 (in the last 5 years), I had all the kids in the car too. They love to bring it up. Especially with my two older boys learning to drive.
6) A boy I tied up with a skipping rope to a tree in grade 1. I still remember his name… mostly because I, eventually (after moving all over North America – military brat), had my way with him at our grad party. We had ended up at the same high school for my last 2 grades. During that time, we didn’t really talk or hang out. But when we went off into the woods, he told me he remembered the skipping rope.
7) Yes I have.
8) Nah. I can’t be bothered. If someone doesn’t want to be with me because I’m too old, I certainly don’t want to be with them! Misty lies about her age all the time. It cracks me up.
9) @drcouts I love singing when I am happy in the shower! But I have a few sad songs I sing in the shower when I feel like dog shit. Just to, you know, ensure I stay feeling crappy. Crying the in the shower sucks.
10) I didn’t. I enjoyed English and reading. Though I am a brutal procrastinator and would be reading until dawn sometimes to cram a book in. But also have done that with books l love. Bird chirping? Oh shit.
Thank you again my dear friend for the tag!! ❤😘😊
Now to tag 5 more people… As always, no pressure to participate! ❤❤❤