This is in my youngest’s (by 2 min) bedroom. He’s my musician. All my kids love music but he and I geek out about it.
The first band he ever got really excited about was KISS, brought on by the cartoon Scooby Doo Meets KISS. Then he found my tapes. He was 6. He had his toy guitar that he dragged around everywhere and he would belt out the songs. If that boy isn’t talking, he’s singing.
Years before the tour, he asked me if I would take him to see them one day, begged me, “Pleeeeeeeease Mumma, pleeeeeeease!” He was 10 when I saw they were coming. I got us tickets and gave it to him for Christmas – he was over the moon, running around like a little lunatic!
We got all dressed up, and had an AMAZING time! I sang myself horse. I had never seen them before. So fabulous!
Afterwards we went to an old pizza place near where I used to live in east Vancouver. They’re open until 3am, and make these ridiculously delicious panzerotos that haven’t changed a bit since I was 23. Still with our make up on. He still talks about what a fun night that was. He put together some pictures and his ticket and hung it in his room. My rock and roll boy. ❤