Good News – Where I shout out like William Wallace.

I mentioned a while ago I had good news, it kind of got eclipsed by a freight train with Darth/MVD at the wheel, but let me share with you the good stuff!

First, as I mentioned, I got a raise! AND (drum roll please) I became and equity owner in the company! I still have a long way to go, but every extra effort/time I put in has been absolutely worth it. Financial freedom, here I come!

Next, which is the most incredible news I have had since the Thanksgiving before last, (insert another drum roll) my ex (well, still not quite ex) is moving away – halfway across the country. Which means, my friends, that my gilded cage is no more. I am no longer tied to him with that 50 Kilometer tether, if I want to move, the kids and I are free to do so. Free. Freedom. I have my freedom.  Or as soon as he hits the trail on labour day weekend I do, after the summer.

Do you know what it is like to be told you cannot leave? That you are, essentially held prisoner somewhere? I had no idea what freedom really meant until it was taken from me. 

Like the winning of most freedoms, it comes with a price – it is going to be a hard price, my children are going to suffer. They are going to miss their Dad. They’ll get to see him on summer vacations and march break, but the every other week thing…? He is going to miss a lot. My kids will too – because sometimes you just want your Dad. 

When I wanted to go back east with the kids, after that crazy thanksgiving, and he let me believe for a week that I could before he slapped me with a court order to keep me here, I wanted to go for reasons that made sense. I had no job, no way to support the kids and I, no family here. He wouldn’t even let me move to the island to be closer to Jill, Tij and the boys. I was scared out of my mind. I felt helpless and wanted my family. The only way I could go was if I left my kids, which I could not do. I am surprised he is  going, since he was so adamant about how he needed to be in their lives on a regular basis, but at the same time, I am not. He’s going to be with his girlfriend, and the pull to keep me miserable is less than the desire to be balls deep in Tanya on a regular basis,

My twitter location used to read “gilded cage”. He had, in his little descriptive blurb “Master of a gilded cage” – no longer, asshat. 

In freedom there is an incredible lightness. 

Now I just need to free my heart, and I’ll float right off the ground.