
– Eleanor Roosevelt

My friend K emailed me after she read my good-bye to Darth post:

Good for you. Your balls have finally grown back.
Hello to the Rebecca I once knew and have missed for so long.
Put on some MC Yogi and dance wildly around the house. You can now get on with your life. This is your year!!!
The balls growing back thing made me laugh – for many reasons. 🙂
And MC Yogi marched my ass home today after a particularly brutal day. Some things were great! I made some progess on the mobile site for the project, but other things, like my boss’s complete lack of urgency about the work we have, coupled with his lack of sense trying to get new business… I just got angry.
I am looking for things I can build a raft with so I can get off this sinking ship. 
I gots dreams, baby – and I’m not about to let those slip away.