Boring Personal Post Ahead about Parenting
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There is nothing quite like your kids getting older to make you feel… old.
My babies, my twins, are turning 14 today. Holy fuck, I remember vividly 14. It feels insane that my babies are there already. Both of them amazing and beautiful – a boy and a girl. It blows my mind when I think about the day my doctor told me I’d never be able to have children… and here I am now, 4 teenagers.

My ex husband travelled a lot, at least a week every month. So when my first ultrasound was booked for my third pregnancy I knew there was a good chance he wouldn’t be around. I had two little guys – 3 year old and a 2 year old. I was busy and tired mumma.
My then mother-in-law came with me for the ultrasound.
After the wand swiped over my stomach a couple of times, the tech got pale and had a concerned look on their face. I immediately started to tear up, fear gripping me.
“Is everything okay…” I choke out. She took my hand. I was so afraid.
“Honey… I just wanted to be sure here… but there are two babies in there. You are having twins!!”
My fear turned to joy, and turned back to fear, and then flip flopped between the two – the tears flowed and I couldn’t stop laughing. I called my then husband.
“I have some bad news – we can’t buy the Forester [Subaru]. We’re having twins!” I said to him joking (kind of) and he didn’t believe me. So much so that I had to put his mother on the phone.
My pregnancy was amazing and they were born perfect and healthy.

(I had just finished breast feeding them and they snuggled in my lap and fell asleep. Even with the big boys and the dog running around.)

They have always been close. Actually I am really proud of how close they all are. Even with my oldest’s difficulties making the house a war zone at times.
My daughter, G, is a bit of a matriarch. The boys all defer to her. My oldest once said to me, “She is the best of us. The smartest and just a really good person.”
“I love you all the same, you know. Even when you are making me NUTS, I don’t love you any less than any of the others. You are all so unique and amazing. I couldn’t possibly love one more than another.” I tell them. And it’s the truth. Each of them is a little miracle.
On each of their birthdays I love to tell stories to them of when I was pregnant for them and their births.
“I don’t know what games you guys played in there, but you were constantly moving around. Probably trying to get more space ‘Hey! Get your elbow out of my face!’ and then maybe a rousing game of checkers and a snuggle.” I would say and they would giggle.
“Mumma, we didn’t snuggle!! Eeew!!” O would say flopping around giggling.
“You did! You were the best Womb mates ever!” I’d tease them.
A couple of years ago, when O started playing the guitar in earnest, he was playing “Don’t Stop Believing” in his room and singing. I love listening to him sing and play (one of my favourite things ever) and then G started to sign along from her room. I stood at the bottom on the stairs, the dish I was drying in my hands, and just listened. I got all teary with the joy of it.
Tonight is a big party! G organized it and O is executing the plan. (I actually call them my GO Twins). There are going to be about 30 kids. It’s going to be in the back yard. G has planned a bunch of games. Including spin the bottle (god save me). They even requested that we fill the trampoline up with balloons again this year. So bring on the loud music and snacks!
Yes, I have bought booze. For me (and Misty).