Music Challenge!

Thank you @thewantonhousewife for poking at my grey matter so early in the morning! 😄

Answer each category with a song title. No repeats (OMG this was hard, and now I have Cake by the Ocean in my head! You picked some great ones!!) and don’t use the internet (it’s tempting but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind or fill in your favorites. Copy/paste then change the answers to your own (can’t steal mine) and reblog.

* Something to wear – Blue Jean, David Bowie

* Something to drink – Tequila Sunrise, the Eagles

* A Place – Going to California, Led Zepplin

* A Food – Cherry Bomb, The Runaways

* An Animal – Dog Days are Over, Florence +The Machine

* A Number – 867-5309, Tommy Tutone

* A Colour – She’s a Rainbow, The Rolling Stones (I had to, but if that doesn’t count Yellow by Cold Play)

* A Girl’s Name – Stacy’s Mom, Fountains of Wayne

* A Boy’s Name – Jessie’s Girl, Rick Springfield

* Profession – It’s Good To Be King, Tom Petty

* Flower – Kiss from a Rose, Seal

* Day of the Week – Friday I’m in Love, the Cure

* A Vehicle – Pink Cadillac, Pattie Labelle

This was too fun!! Thanks again for including me lady! 💗

Food had me stumped for a bit, as well as the Vehicle (then I had two each – both around Cherry and Cadillac!)