An Unexpected Good Time
A few days ago I eluded to a good time I had – I was hung over and felt giddy from the night before. It’s not the extravaganza that you may think it is. In fact, it’s pretty low key. It is important to me only because 1) Big time butterflies in the vagina 2) The thrill of getting to know people 3) Possibility.
It’s funny, I mean, Misty and I go to some wild events so a wedding is pretty low on the excitement scale. Especially one where I don’t know anyone except Misty and his parents. So as we rolled into the little church, I was in “Respectable Becca Mode”, and resigned to an afternoon/evening of polite smiling and small talk.
Misty wandered off to take some video, at his Dad’s texted request (they hadn’t arrived yet), so I was sitting alone in an empty pew. I took the only picture I would take that day – this one. The window was so pretty and the sun streamed in as the hilariously incongruent “Born to Wild” played in the background. That’s when the groom’s men walked in, and I had one of those heart stopping moments. There, in the crew of 5 of them, was a shaggy blonde haired (with green tips) boy that bore a striking resemblance to heartbreaker, albeit a younger version who had piercings.
Misty made eye contact with me from across the room and smirked. He walked over towards them with the video camera and asked them each to introduce themselves for the viewers. He knows me so well. I almost laughed out loud when I overheard the cute boy (all men are boys to me) name – the same as heartbreaker’s. Ah, the universe has a twisted sense of humour.
Misty came over and showed me the clip.
“Oh my god, I can’t even believe that… at least I have wedding eye candy to enjoy.” I laughed as we bumped shoulders and kissed.
“My baby is in wolf mode.” he teased me.
As the day went on, I took every opportunity I could to put myself in front of him and his girlfriend (yes, there was that twist too), and by the end of the night we were all dancing together and had a bit of an after party, with me smoking some of his cigar. We kind of roamed as a group between a few different gatherings, ending up in our hotel room.
Nothing happened, but like I said, possibilities. He gave me his number and she friended me on social media (not tumblr), and he and I even texted a little bit the next day. The whole thing gave me butterflies.
I also felt that predator/hunter thrill that I haven’t felt in ages, which was a huge adrenalin rush. I’ve been such a satisfied beast since Misty came into my life, I haven’t felt the urge, but the hole heartbreaker left has apparently made room for that.
Who knows what the future holds, and that is the best part. What I do know for certain is I have the best wingman/woman ever. It’s especially delicious that we can share all that fun sexual energy together while we see what happens next.