
Speak To Me


Last night

I dreamt 

That I was having dinner

With Rumi

He sat across from me

His voice was as graceful

As a sufi’s dance

He said to me,

“speak to me of love”

I looked at him 

Like he was crazy

“I’m the wrong one to ask”, I replied

Adding, that he was the expert

And that perhaps he would

Be so kind

As to give me

A crash course.

He laughed

(the kind of laugh that you’d imagine he’d have)

And then he uttered the words of his

That I have read a hundred times or more

“Your task is  not to seek for love,

But merely to seek and find

All the barriers within yourself

That you have built against it”

Somehow hearing him actually say it

Made me shiver in my chair

Last night

I dreamed

That the world

Finally made sense


-The Sensual Starfish 

Add Rumi to my imaginary, fantasy, dinner party guest list.