I’m going to write about my night last night – so if hearing about my sexcapades is going to wig you out, keep scrolling or visit me another day. 🙂
Seriously – turn back. You can’t unread this.
And maybe this should be more “finding something unexpected.”
Last night I met a man who is also a beautiful woman – and you can say that in reverse and it still be true (a beautiful woman who is also a man). If I get my pronouns all wonky, I apologize, but she is both, all wrapped up into one delicious, sensual, sexy-as-fuck package.
I met her a week or so ago on fetlife. I found her, searching through kinksters in the general area, sent her a message, we got chatting in the messenger system. It was flirty and fun and felt so good, I liked her immediately.
We talked about the local scene, how I had never been, and she said we should go to the next event coming up – Sin City. There was one on Saturday night. I made things come together so I could go.
I met her at her place for 6, so we could get ready together. I loved every single moment of that. Helping pick outfits (I ended up wearing one of her dresses!), to putting on make up, to sneaking kisses, touching, I was all ready to just get right to the good stuff then and there. As much as I wanted to, I’m so glad we went out.
I had suffered terrible anxiety about getting into the club, as fetish wear is a strict dress code, and I’ve been feeling so awful about myself. I cried the night before, while I was trying to get outfits together, thinking “I’ll try but I most likely won’t.” Every negative thought beating me down – but I was going to go. I kept thinking of the video. I felt pretty confident there would be no racist ninjas there. I wanted to call the whole thing off, but I made myself keep going. But I walked up to the bouncer, he gave me a happy thumbs up and said, “You’re good!” And I heard the whole choir of angels in my head “AHHH!”
We danced, we kissed, we fondled, we teased, we talked about all kinds of things. I loved watching people watch us – watch her. She has such a vibrant personality, and did I mention beautiful?
“Oh my god, it’s like the best of both worlds! She’s sounds like Captain Jack! All sexual and free.” Jill said after I had been describing my evening in detail. Scratch that, *gushed* about it. And really is it technically an evening, if it goes from 6pm until 8ish the next morning?
“Except prettier, in a super cute dress, and with the cutest breasts ever!!!” I think I may sound like the little girl from Despicable Me.
After the club closed at 3:30, we went to Wreck beach, and had delicious, fabulous, dirty hot sex on the beach until the sun came up. We cuddled for a bit under her jacket. I loved the weight of her on me. Smiling, more kissing, hand holding, whispers… *insert contented sigh here*
The night flew by. It was wonderous. It left me with a joy and lightness that I haven’t felt… god… so long. And to be kissed and held with such tenderness and passion, by such a wonderful person? It was unforgettable.
I want to see her again.
“I’m jealous. You should get some sleep, before you get a zombie sex hangover.” Karin said to me, “a zombie but with the glow of awesome sex.”
So now I just have the glow.
And maybe just a little bit of zombie/sleepiness.
And yummy soreness.