This time last year, I was on my own with my ex out of the house, thanks to the police officer.
Before that we had been separated for months, living side by side, fairly amicably. It was tense, but not without good/better moments. We talked about splitting stuff up, who would get what when the time came. In a bitter moment, he said “You get the dog. I’ll take the cat.” Which *shocked* me. I mean, I would have the kids 80% of the time, so why wouldn’t he want the dog, I thought I would be missing the damn dog. I was all ready to be upset and sad about it. I even argued with him, saying, “Are you sure? You can have the dog.” Nope. He gave me the dog. In fact, he keeps putting off getting the cat. It’s been a year.
I would never have said previously, after 12 years of marriage, that the man was such a bitter liar. He’s told everyone that I took the dog from him. He’s said all kinds of crazy, terrible things about me during this messy, ugly ass divorce, but this somehow sends me into the “Super Evil Ex” category.
I want a t-shirt with that. “Super Evil Ex”.
Or maybe just one that says “the dog is mine.”