Norway by The Bright Road

Is now playing on the ipod on my tumblr page. Love this song.

It’s a rainy night, I’ve finished my chores, chai tea in hand, I’m going to snuggle into my stupidly gigantic bed (it’s huge) and read for a bit before lights out. With the window open the rain sounds so lovely, especially mixed with this song.

When I took the plane to get to know myself
I found out that there’s no place to hide away from this
Cause I cannot resist
I fall down on my bed at night to disappear

Help me understand what I’m going through
Cause I’m falling apart
I’m broken but I love you
I’m broken but I love you

Then I open up my eyes just to see the light
In all these mysteries paste all over me
I feel like a homeless in his wheel
I can’t slow down cause I might gain a pound or two

Help me understand what I’m going through
Cause I’m falling apart
I’m broken but I love you
I’m broken but I love you