I got a facebook message from a tumblr friend of mine that I’ve been out of touch with for a while. He’s been going through crazy life stuff too, but it was so nice to see the “Hope all is well” note last night. I wrote him back and basically said, life is crazy but good, started a new tumblr, yada, yada, yada. Well, this morning I saw he responded, and his response made me a little teary, and wish for a hug. 

I just took 20 min or so and looked through your new tumblr. Becca, I am in awe of you. You are amazing and have to be just about the toughest bitch I “know” (using quotes for the Internet sense of knowing). You inspire me. Just make sure your long range plan still includes that ironman.

I also need to get my fitness goals sorted out… though I did just register for a zombie run in August. 🙂 

Fitness goals… a whole other post in itself. Now I need to go wrestle my crew into the car (it’s like herding cats or spaghetti), get some groceries, give the house a quick clean and then have Ginny over for dinner, movie and popcorn, exersice bike, weights and bed.

Let’s see how I do…