Never trust your tongue when your heart is bitter.
Samuel j. (via a-sensible-heart)
I love that this quote is via “A-sensible-heart” 🙂 I want to know what one of those looks like.
It’s been a hell of a few days. My own personal brand of hell, my house was a little Lord of the Flies, with my peeps mostly left to their own devices, as I let the emotions of the entire year wash over me.
You can’t shut love off. Which, I don’t know who planned that but I have a serious bone to pick with the creative team on that one, “Love looks great! All the features you can ever want with a special kink plug in… yep, great job team. Hey… how does this think shut down?”
I feel great joy for him. He has been given a gift – a chance to change. A real one. Where he can become the man I know he is deep down. He is going to go through a lot of pain before he comes out the other end whole, but like every great journey it starts with a step. And he’s taken it. To his wife. To his family.
How can I feel all this love and all this sadness all at once?