The day comes to a close with me in my robe, sore legs from running yesterday, and a general feeling of over all knackered.

A few points:

– I need to find a new place to get my brazilian done. And that really grates my cheese, but the bottom line is she doesnt do a great job. Well damn.

– the roller coaster of love continues at a crazy pace. One moment I’m on top of the world, the next I struggle because I want to hear the words, I want more time with him/her. It’s hard. But worth it. I love him/her (throws arms in the air and laughs like a wild woman)

– I’m signing the papers tomorrow at 2:30 to start the process of taking Mike off the title of the house. It’s all so much closer to becoming all mine. I can’t fucking wait!!

– I’m dealing with a difficult bullying situation that has happened to my oldest. I’m on the principal like a dog on a bone. It’s draining, but I have to be an advocate for my son, and kick ass and take names.

– I’m tired and need some shmoopy lovemaking… with some kinky role play thrown in for good measure.