To the man behind the spoon, I find we learn more about you from what your wife posts than what you post. When you get this, post 5 random facts about yourself and then send this to 10 of your favorite followers.



Hmmmm, five random facts:

  1. Last Wednesday I managed to go the entire day with my underpants on inside out and back to front (to add insult to injury they were a Star Trek-themed pair, in DEADLY RED).
  2. Apparently I am pedantic – I prefer to think of it as accurate and thorough.
  3. I often feel like I am quite good at a lot of different things, but a master of none. This is probably related to the pedantic thing.
  4. Today’s Saturday achievements included port wine chicken liver pate (for tomorrow), tonight’s dinner for grown-ups (roasted red bell peppers/capsicum stuffed with ginger, garlic, pork mince, spring onion, pine nuts with steamed vegetables and steamed five grain rice mix) assisting with spray painting bathroom furniture bright yellow and black (it works, so sunny!), quality time with both girl children, slight amount of gardening and natural history observations, laundry (sigh), feeding children, evening yet to be done…..
  5. When I am comfortable with female people in my life they tend to get treated the same as Tilly. My SIL has been here long enough and I am relaxed enough with her that I have to be careful not to include serious adult content in my conversation and to not call her by endearments that are inappropriate. It would be awkward, trust me……

Ok, since I had this inflicted on me, I’m going to ask another 10 followers to do the same drill. Five random facts, and pass it on if you are feeling curiously vindictive. 

darkbananas, theroomatthebottomofthestairs johnnybee broken-crownnn ahoycalicojack sheiswanton softlysexy beautifulsubbycoolthings binarybi touchezmoi

DIT, you like me.  You really like me.  😉

Five Random Facts About Me:

1.  I have a tattoo of ginko leaves on my right ankle—It’s a cover up of ink I got when I was 15 years old.  My SO-much-older-friend-of-19-years drew the original tattoo for me and took me into an ink shop his friends ran.  Let’s just say he wasn’t that great with his art, and I wasn’t that great sitting still at 15.  It needed to be covered up immediately.

2.  My favorite color is red.

3.  I would be a crazy cat lady if society didn’t frown on it.  As it is, I only have two.

4.  I love my tits.  And my legs.

5.  I believe that love is a concept so hard to define, that the only way to define it is simply this:  If you think you are in love, then you are.  That means that to me, that time you were 19 and told someone you were in love with them?  You were.  As were you when you said it at 35.  A different you, and a different love.  Both still love.


macross74; finallyfindme; imthesicilians; ms-somnambulist; gentlenomad; motostig; sicilianstud209; tying-one-on; royb8771; beyourpassion

I’ve been tagged by the lovely broken-crownnn for five random facts. Ironically this happened on facebook by my Aunt this week. I’m adding one on here: So it’ll be six random facts. Because I’m a rebel like that. 

1. I just recently (like last week) learned how to sweat (cut and join) copper pipe, how to do pex piping and how to cut, dry fit and glue ABS pipes. 

2. I won 1st place in the California state championship for hula dancing (with my troop) when I was 13 to a song called “Keep your eyes on the hands”

3. I sleep with a doll head that is almost as old as I am. I even brought it to New York with me last year on my 4th-of-July-celebration-of-Independence trip. 

4. I’ve done two triathlons, one half marathon and lots of 10 & 5 Ks. 

5. My doctor told me I wasn’t going to be able to have children (polycystic ovarian disease). I’m a little bit stubborn about things… I have 4. They blow my mind on a regular basis. 

6. I was initialed into the D/s via tumblr. I stumbled across a tumblr called bendingsubmission (doing a work search for shoes) and I was hooked. I had two Doms – Erospainter and mountain-view-dom. Misty and I are something else entirely, though I do feel terribly submissive to her/him sometimes… other times, I feel very much Domme. And I love that. So much! 🙂 But more than anything I love that everytime is an adventure and a different flavour. Always delicious.