It’s 3:45 in the afternoon and I’m having a coffee. I got up at 2:30. Can you tell I have no kids this weekend?
The (still-not)ex is in town for the weekend and has them. They were over the moon to see him – it’s been over a month. I’d go into my feelings about this whole situation, but I can’t fix anyone’s mistakes for them, and I have no intention of getting in the middle of the relationship my kids have with their father – for good or bad. I’ll let the fates handle that one.
One of the many great things of having the weekend to myself is that I can have Misty time, crash and burn the next day and enjoy the hell out of it. Sure, I need to grocery shop, but whatevs. I’m sitting here having coffee at almost 4! And am pleasantly sore. 🙂
We went Rascals – a bdsm club. We’ve never been to anything like that. S/he was amazing. As always. 🙂 Here we are totally out of our element, and s/he just rolls with it. I think it’s these things that make me fall in love with her/him harder.
We got there late because of traffic, but we enjoyed ourselves in traffic. 🙂
“You never know what people are doing in their cars…” I say, laughing, “I’m going to imagine that everyone is doing shit like this! Way sexier.”
“No one is doing *this*… they all wish they were doing this.” S/he says doing something with more dirty enthusiasm to make her point – a physical exclamation point that has me panting.
We take a few wrong turns – because that’s how we roll. But we get there, and then do to the wrong part of the building – omg, the looks we got were priceless! 🙂 As I mentioned, we were late, but it was good to watch a bit, then try some. S/he tied me up to a large ladder-like contraption and flogged and spanked me. But not before blindfolding me. It was far more intense than I would have imagined which makes me sound like a giant wuss. There is this odd burning desire as a sub to be able to take, and want to take it well, everything your Dom/me can dish out. And I want to. So badly. It’s a difficult emotion to explain. I got all teary afterwards, and wanted her to hold me. I wanted her to fuck me. I wanted her to not let go… it was overwhelming. Even thinking about it now makes me tear up and want a cuddle.
I can’t wait to do it again!
The rest of the night was fun, and sweet, and sexy as fuck. Even though we didn’t go to any other event/club type things. I just love spending time with her/him.
I look forward to my next gifted moment with Misty. Because that is what it is – a gift.