S/he has since said it “Test” isn’t the right word.
But I agree with you – you don’t test a person you care about. You ask them. If you don’t believe they’ll be honest with you, DUMP THEM. I really believe that.
I don’t think speaking my mind is a failure. I agree with you there too – I think it’s a damn good thing. And believe me, I told him *exactly* what I thought. Were some things uncomfortable truths? Yes. But the truth is rarely without some bitter flavour.
S/he listened but wasn’t happy. Her/his response was clear about that. But we talked through it.
The thing is, I trust my intuition. Very deeply. I have learned to listen. So I did, and he didn’t like what I had to say. part of the problem was it’s not based in fact – it’s a feeling!! Lots of little tid-bits of facts can add up to point the feelings in a direction, but it is an inner voice thing.
You want to hear the funny part? I was fucking right. So damn right, I surprised myself. S/he had me so twisted up, I thought maybe I was acting all jealous and closed off. It made me feel off balanced about myself. On the plus side I did a personal values inventory, and I felt that – the warning vibes I got from this person aside – I was being true to me. So I feel vindicated and Misty/Boy-side got to see that yes, I WAS RIGHT. And I saved us some grief. So go me.
I love that you messaged me this. 🙂 Thank you. *HUGE HUGS!!*