This is just SO relevant today.
So my sweet love has had a rough few months with people s/he has helped out both professionally and personally. To the point of ridiculousness. Honestly, it hurts my heart at the complete sense of entitlement that some of these people have about the help he’s offered. Just gross.
But this morning it was the straw. Long story short, he offered some help to a neighbour, who refused it (totally fine), but then tried to tell him how he should do things, to the point of getting upset with him.
“No good deed goes unpunished!” He said to me on the phone, and I could hear the hurt in his voice – the frustration. “If I had just minded my own business, and didn’t try to help by doing XXX, i wouldn’t have a now have these negatives in my life. I need to stop doing these things!”
Misty is honestly the kindest and most generous human I know. S/he is a creative problem solver and has helped many people move their lives forward with out-of-the-box-thinking solutions. S/he has made many lives better. But it is always these negative ones that are at forefront – that old saying it only takes one strike to knock out 10 attaboys, is so terribly true.
Anyway, the whole mess has hurt my love, and the last few months, jaded him terribly.
I told him he is a beautiful soul. I listened and tried to support as best I could. I hope these assholes don’t fuck with his/her beautiful heart.