Hey! It’s my birthday!!
I know not everyone enjoys their birthday, but I almost always have. 30 was hard (ha!), 40 was harder (hahahahaha!) but ended up being the best day and best decade to date. And I still have 2 more years of it!
We celebrated on Saturday with a family dinner and games night. Some friends came over. There was pulled chicken tacos and cake.
I’m up early for here – I got up at 4am, so I could started tackling some work projects. I’m feeling good though. Despite the current crushing work load. I’m Happy.
Misty/boyside showered me with presents and helped with things around my house to make my life easier. I was able to text with Sweet boy (I continue to pine for a phone call). And all in all felt exceptionally cared for.
I look forward to my 48th year with all the anticipation of an explorer going on a new expedition, excited and filled with thoughts of what might happen.