One of my partners volunteers as an escort for women at a local clinic as they make their way past aggressive anti-choice agitators. They and their fellow volunteers are amazing. This is a handout they shared with me a few months ago. Zoom in for detail. Please feel free to share it with any of the overstepping and ignorant “Biffs” in your life. Ok to reblog.
I’ve been taking a break from Tumblr, but holy fuck.
My partner was volunteering at the clinic today when the horrific news came out about the SCOTUS decision.
1. This will not end abortions. It will end access to safe abortions.
2. Within 24 hours SCOTUS has decided that Biff’s right to carry a handgun falls under the self-legislative purview of autonomy and liberty, while a woman’s right to make important and safe reproductive decisions about their own body should be left to the whims of local politicians and determined by arbitrary geographical boundaries.
3. Tell me the last time a woman was involved in a mass shooting. Tell me the last time a man had to make a difficult decision in regard to an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy. See the pattern? See the disparity?
4. If you are a man who enjoys sex, but also wants to prevent an unwanted pregnancy—get a fucking vasectomy like I did. If you believe that personal and communal dynamics depend upon the just distribution of burdens, benefits, and life consequences, then why should all of the responsible contraceptive burdens, along with the potential unwanted consequences fall upon the woman? If you are against abortion rights, this goes doubly for you. You should also have to wear a badge that says “Biff,” just so anyone who might consider fucking you out of charity, gets to make an informed decision.