When you get this write seven truths about you and then send it to seven other people you follow.

1) I love porn. Of all kinds – cartoon, real people, real people right in front of me, the written word… All of it. And because I’m bisexual I like all the pairings! And I also love porn with just boys, and girls with penises. Weirdly, I lived a very straight life until I was 40.

2) I love prosecco!

3) When I feel really happy I cry. I can’t help it, I just get overwhelmed. This can be really annoying/embarrassing.

4) I love cake. And like porn, I love all the different kinds.

5) I love music. Of all kinds. Music is a big part of my life, even though I personally don’t play an instrument. I used to sing but now it’s just in the shower and car.

6) I love my bed – sleeping in is the best. In fact, I’m currently still snuggled in my duvet.

7) I love trying new things – whether it’s a food adventure, or a place, or sex, or activity… I love trying. Even if I fail spectacularly, because sometimes it’s a home run. ❤

Thank you for the ask my Dearest Dr Couts!! 😘💕❤