Are there moments where you don’t get to talk to Misty or your Sweet Boy as much as you want to and you just miss them like crazy? If so, what are some ways that help you feel closer to them?

Hi @graygray0101 🙂

Just some clarification here, Sweet Boy (aka heartbreaker) isn’t mine anymore and hasn’t been for a very long time.

Misty, however, is very much in my life and I do miss like crazy sometimes. We keep separate households (I have kids, s/he has kids) and so we have times apart. But we text ALL the time when he is at his place and talk on the phone a lot during a day. And s/he and I always end the night with each other on the phone. We make each other a priority each day.

And sometimes I come on here and write about her. I just feel so lucky to have her in my life, and feel enormously privileged that s/he wants to spend time with me, that I feel compelled to write.

Thank you so much for the ask!
