List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Spread the happiness and positivity. 💖🖤

Hey @insertaninterestingnamehere3!

Thanks so much for the lovely ask!

5 things that make me happy (in no particular order)

  1. Nights out with Misty – the adventure is always awesome and I am sharing it with my partner-in-crime!
  2. Listening to my kids laughing and enjoying each other’s company
  3. Hearing the rain while I am cozy in bed.
  4. Burning Man – that place is a fucking JOY MACHINE. Toss me in baby!
  5. Road trips!! Everything about them. I mean when else can you justify buying $75 dollars in junk food and weird shit at a gas station – like you’re never going to see another place to buy food again. Yes, baby I need these new sunglasses, pinwheel, and this weird snack food I have never heard of but we totally need to try. Only the essentials.

I hope you’re having a great Friday!! And you should totally do this too @insertaninterestingnamehere3! Consider yourself asked. 🙂
