
She comes in colours.

I had not looked at my pussy, like up close in a mirror, until I was 37. Which is kind of ridiculous. I’m not even sure why. At 37 (thanks to tumblr) I was exploring my sexuality, and fighting against the world trying to shove me in the Mom Box – I was more than the bedtime reading, cookie making, laundry doing persona. I am many things, and one of them is very sexual.

Discovering my pussy, I decided (much to the shock of my then husband) to shave it. I enjoyed getting to know all my folds more intimately. I loved the sensation of being smooth. I still do.

I read a book last year called Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer, and it talked about the power of your pussy. And the importance of embracing your own, beautiful, unique lady parts. When my daughter gets a bit older I plan on giving her a copy. None of this waiting until you’re 37 to discover how amazing you are bullshit.

Becca aka


Thank you @thewantonhousewife for doing such a super fun theme!! 😊❤🐱 <- not the cat 😄