I’ve alluded to news about Misty that I wanted to share, and today is the day I write it out.
*drum roll*
S/he’s been approved for HRT. Hormone Replacement Therapy. There are some big changes coming, one of his favourites (and likely mine too) is going to be boobs.
This has been something that s/he has been thinking about before I had even met him. He had been in a group for transitioning people and saw a lot of the difficulties they went through. He had been pursuing it at the time, a form of transition that was…different.
“I love my boy side AND my girl side.” S/he has told me many times, “If I had to pick just one, I would feel sad about losing the other one. I want to try and do both. Grow some breasts, have some of the more feminine traits, but then stop when I feel like that’s all I want.”
Ten years ago that wasn’t possible. He was told “No”. In his group, people who chose they wanted to transition to a more female presentation, it meant committing to getting rid of your penis. And Misty did not (and does not) want to do that. S/he loves her penis! She even has a patch on that jacket that says “I love my penis”. S/he wanted to be more passable as a woman, and still be able to pull off boy (if she wanted to).
Is it doable? Well, after weeks of interviews and examinations the doctors will now let her try. And she can start anytime.
S/he sent me the picture above before she went in for her last interview and to find out whether or not she would be allowed to go on the drugs. S/he was nervous.
She called me as soon as she was out, her approval papers in hand to fill me in on how it went.
“I love you. Whatever you need, I am here to support you and proudly stand beside you.” I said to him, wishing I was there to hug him close, kiss his nose and hold his hand.
“I know.” He said, his voice still soft and shakey after sharing the good news, “You’re amazing. I’m worried about the kids, my parents, some friends… I don’t know quite when to start. If it was just you and me, I’d start today.”
“Don’t worry about anyone on my side. My kids will be great, I have no doubt about that. My Mum has known about your Misty side since we met. Same with my brothers. My Dad will be wigged out, but once he sees everyone else is okay, he’ll be fine. And it’s not like we see him a bunch anyway. Don’t give a second thought to any of my people.” I say still wishing I could hold his hand for this conversation. “You just tell me what you need, and I’ll be there for any of the hard conversations, or around for immediate support.”
We talked about it for a couple of hours. The changes he might see and will see. How he needs my honest feedback through the process to help him know when to stop. He is afraid of the hormonal changes that happen to his brain’s thought processes.
“I can’t wait for you to get to be the overly emotional one!” I tease him a little. He laughed.
We’re headed into uncharted territory. Again. Just when I’ve been getting my polyamorous legs under me, we’re off on a new adventure. And like any new adventure I am both nervous and excited.
But mostly excited.