Vacation photos!! *laughs maniacally*
I am just going to post a couple. Promise. I didn’t get any of the hot springs and the caves, which is a bummer but phone and water are just really non-mixy things.
It was a great trip, and even though it was 4 days – 2 days there and 2 travelling – it was amazing. It was fun and relaxing, and even thrilling, with the skiing and hot springs caves. And 4 days in a row of sleeping with my babydoll always feels extra amazing. Is it me, or is sleeping just 1000 times better snoodled up to your person? Because I feel recharged just from that.
As always, I never take enough photos.
A little video of the run area I enjoyed.
My youngest beside me, with Misty on the snow board and our two oldest out in front.
The bus… Kandy Shakes, is her official name.
And one that made me laugh at the bathroom at the ski hill. It doesn’t matter how old you get, getting in and out of snow pants is a pain in the ass.
It’s interesting vacationing with 6 teenagers. They are all so funny, and the conversations are never dull. Misty and I make it our personal mission to be all Morticia and Gomez in front of them, with the hand holding, and stealing kisses (and the occasional ass slap). Have to give them a healthy example. Besides embarrassing teenagers is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I look forward to the next time the Lucky 8 ride again. ❤