


Most women would suck a dick but won’t lick a guy’s armpits.

Then most women are missing out.

This could be down to genetics. Male sweat contains androgens that women smell differently whether they have a certain gene or not. For the majority of women, it either doesn’t smell much or has a downright unpleasant urine-like scent. About 1/3 of women perceive a nice vanilla smell.

“Those with the more common version, or allele, of the OR7D4 odor-receptor gene described androstenone as “sickening,” while those with a slightly different allele detected vanilla.“

So yes indeed, some women are missing out on how scrumptious men can smell 😋

Reblogging for @nice-predator’s awesome scientific contribution.

So go sniff (and or lick) your man today and see where you fall on the genetic spectrum!