The view may be the same, but I see it differently now. I am different than I was a year ago.
I bet you are too.
A year holds a lot of opportunity for change. And even though the years go by faster now, it still remains 365 days.
365 days to explore, be curious, love, play, try new things and grow. It’s also 365 days to fail, get stuck, to overthink and under act, hide in bed and to grieve.
Luckily the year for me was mixed bag. It makes me wonder about the coming 365 days of possibilities.
In 2021 we’ve still been dealing with covid bullshit. Not as much as 2020, but we’re still not roaming through our worlds in the carefree way we did in the before times. It has changed us all.
But here comes the new year and I have always loved Neil Gaiman’s New Year’s address. Where he has wishes and hopes for all of us. I look forward to what he has to say this year, but in the meantime here’s my own, Ms Rebelheart’s New Year’s Address.
As we roll into the final days of 2021, I have been asking myself what lessons did I learn and what are my wishes for the future?
My wishes are what I wish for you too.
I hope whatever you are carrying with you out of 2021, you are able to set it down. That this year you find soul deep peace-of-mind. That no matter what the universe dishes out you have the strength to weather it, that it does not break you. You are victorious.
I wish you joyous, child-like, effervescent laughter. The kind that you feel through your whole body, and is contagious. That you go forth and share that kind of happiness with others. That you are a fucking joy machine*.
I hope you take some risks – do things you’ve never done before. That you feel the rush of excitement, the stuff that helps you bounce out of bed in the morning and jump into life. I hope you put yourself out there and trust the universe to catch you. Even if you’re still dusting yourself off from the last time. I believe in you.
And finally I wish you connection. To one, or as many people as you can handle, who fill your love cup. That you meet people who are excited to hear about your day, and you about theirs. I want you to have the happiness of knowing you are cared for, loved, appreciated and respected, for exactly who you are. Warts and all.
I wish that for you. All of that and more.
With love, friendship, and hugs,
*coined by @eloquent-ocean – I love that term! 🙂