
When you tell someone that you miss them and they don’t just reply with the standard “I miss you too” but come up with a list of all of the ways they’ve missed you.

When someone tries to dampen your happiness or optimism and they say “fuck ‘em, you’re a fucking joy machine”.

When you show your vulnerability and flaws and get the reassuring response of “it’s okay to be unashamedly you”

When you’re hankering for change or new experiences and they chuckle and say "You’re an adventurer without an adventure. Get in.”

Wait for those people. The ones who can light you up…

@eloquent-ocean I LOVE this! You are a fucking joy machine! I am going to make sure I tell friends that. Awesome.

As someone who is pro-adventure, and I love being around people who lift me up (and I hope I always return that favour) this just speaks to me. ❤ Thank you!