

It has never been about abortion, but it’s not only about men controlling women either. It’s about controlling poor people.

The Republican main goal is to make sure rich people stay rich or preferably get even richer. Every policy they support aims at maintaining this imbalance because that’s the only way to maintain capitalism, which is the system that keeps rich people rich.

Republicans absolutely do not want everyone to have a decent standard of living. They actively try to make sure that there are enough people who are uneducated and who don’t have their basic needs met because only desperate people will work in their sweat shops (and still remain poor) without complaining too much, so busy trying to stay alive every day that they don’t have the time nor the energy to look around them and see what’s happening. Or when they realise it, they still can’t do anything about it. Not even vote because they have to work on Tuesdays in order not to die.

Blocking access to birth control and abortion benefits the rich because when people have more children than they can support they struggle, become desperate and have no choice but to agree to non-living wages and awful working conditions with no realistic way out.

Republicans want to breed poor people like fruit flies. That’s all there is.

Gross but true. And the Conservative Canadians who support that are just as awful.