This is what 44 looks like, baby.

I got my newly dyed hair – Phoenix style.

I love the Phoenix legend/story. I find I burn and rise (to varying degrees) all the time. Growth never seems to come without some kind of pain, but the view…

*takes a deep breath, savouring the sweet cool air*

… is amazing. Just when I think I’m getting it figured out, nope, I’m still a jackass.

Still do much learning to do and time is tickity tocking away. And today, right this minute, I’m the youngest I’m ever going to be. I’m enjoying it.

My plans for today include work, lunch with a friend, a meeting of a possible new client and birthday dinner with my kids put together by Boy side, who is bringing over King crab and veggies to feast upon! I’m a very lucky girl.

And a very happy birthday girl, who is deeply grateful for a day that hasn’t even happened yet.