The Evolution of my Blog

I’m not sleep walking, and I haven’t been for some time. Honestly , when I met Misty, it is THE most awake I have been in my life. Realness. Authenticity. Balls deep in living. Not just imagining shit in online fantasy, but LIVING it.

(some all caps, because that shit is REAL)

Originally I was Ms Awakening – I awakened from my dysfunctional marriage, I was awakening from a life coma. And I was just beginning my journey, chronicling it all here on tumblr. Tumblr saw the messy end of my marriage. It saw the breaking down of me. A witness. 

Thank you to those who have shared that ride (and a glass of expensive scotch raised to Anna – I miss you lady.) and are sharing it still. I love to see your lives too. The bumpy, messy things we call living. 

I don’t know where Misty and I are headed. All I know is that I love her/him, and we’ll see.  Sometimes love isn’t enough. Send a positive thought out into the universe for me/us please? 

I’ll be updating the graphics on here soon. New pictures. Anything you want to add, share?  

The picture above is from a card I picked out of a deck this morning. Sometimes the universe’s messages hit me right in the gut. I see a very positive message though.

Here is to new beginnings *clink*