It is a glorious, hot morning as I sit on my deck in shorts and a bra and sip my coffee out of my cock mug (there is a rooster on it).
I slept in, s/he morning messaged me, “Want to masturbate together?”
“Ooooh yes please !!” I type back, and I wait for him to call.
We tell each other what we would do if we were there, and through a twist in our talk I become the one with the penis, and the two of us are breathlessly telling each other how things would play out. In no time we’re both cumming and giggling and doing that post orgasm shiver. My body hums with love and happiness.
We had a really good, heart filling talk last night. There have been some interesting developments in the last few days.
His wife has met someone. Someone who tickles her. It’s big news. He has a kid, and is separated from his wife. It bring up some interesting points. For example, boy-side asked/said:
"Can you see wanting to hang out and spend time with *Guy* and *Guy’s Kid*?”
“Yes, I can see that.” she responds
Boy-side tells her that *Guy* is always welcome in the house, and should she want to have him (and the kid) over for dinner or a friends/family BBQ, he is 100% down with that. She thanks him and says that she could see wanting that.
I could not help but laugh while he tells me this and say, “Do you think… at any point in this conversation she is thinking about me, and utter hypocrisy of this whole thing?” and I am really laughing, because it’s damn funny.
Boy side said he did not know. Like I said it should be interesting how this all plays out and if his wife manages to glean some new understanding, compassion and some kindness towards me. My feathers are so ruffled at this point, I keep seeing the worst in her. I hope she surprises me. Maybe there is some hope for her and I after all?