Fitness Update!
APRIL 8, 2015 I started to get fucking busy with my health and fitness – and I am very happy to report I am 8 lbs down. 17 more to go. September is my goal month, but I plan on enjoying the hell out of every week I’ve got one less lump on me.
I’m sore as hell. But that good sore (like a dry heat), where my muscles feel put through the ringer. You know you’ve done a shit load of squats when you cringe looking at stairs or even sitting on damn toilet. But I am happy. I have pants that fit again. I’m looking forward to ditching these pants for smaller ones too.
But it’s time. And ball busting work. And being so fucking hungry that you have to come up with crazy ways to keep yourself from eating. I take lots of showers. It’s hard to eat in the shower. And it’s good thinkin’ time.
I just noticed today that my friend, A, left tumblr. I just haven’t been watching my dash as much as I used too – I have to go to my list and check out how everyone’s been. Anyway, it made me sad – and also glad we are facebook friends, I’d hate to lose touch. It has been a wild ride the last 4 years ( can you believe that?), and I really treasure the wonderful connections I’ve made. 🙂
So I should put this lap top down, crawl under the covers and get a bit of sleep before another busy day.