Ah… The relaxing sounds of an 11 year old’s sleep over.

And me without booze.

I had a SUPER, shit-the-bed, food day. So I ran for 30 min and worked out for 45. I still can’t do a chin up to save my soul. I can hang there and work on a hernia but that’s where I’m at with that right now. 3 weeks since I started, 2 weeks on the regimen, and I am down 7lbs. Granted, I’m guessing that is mostly water, but I’ll take it.

Boy-side is out with his wife tonight. I am both happy and sad. Happy because he is spending time with someone he loves doing something fun and sad because I am left out.

I’m glad after my feeding frenzy today I ran. For me it is such good thinking time. I thought about how my life is my choices. The power to chose my life is huge to me. I like that a lot.