Health & Fitness Post – Weightloss

(me today, me then, me post then, and here’s to never quitting *clink*)

I took a step today to get off this shitty-ass, not-making-progress-and-gaining-weight wheel. I’m doing this for me. To feel better in my skin. But I’ll get to that in a moment. 

If you know me, then you *may* know that I used to be really heavy. I don’t tell many people that. I am deeply ashamed of it. I let myself slip into a life coma, and buried myself in fat. That second picture? That was me. 

 I am 4′11″ and I used to weight 230 pounds. No foolin’. It was hell. I was dead inside. Finally, one day when my middle guy was 18 months, I thought “I can’t do this anymore – I have trouble getting up and down from the floor. I can’t keep up with my 3 year old and 18 month old. My body aches. I want to wear cute clothes again – I’ve lived in baggy t-shirts and sweat pants for 5 years. I’ve un-sexed myself. Who is Becca? I miss her… This ends now.” And I started the slow, slow process of losing weight. 

I did hit my goal of 130, after many years but now I’m 25 pounds back up, and I feel like my weight has been spiraling out of control this past year and half. This ends now. 

So here’s the deal – I hired a nutrition and fitness coach to help me keep on track. I’m going to re-learn how to eat and, god-damnit!, dig that fucking tunnel with a spoon *again*. This is going to suck, but I am committed to making it. And now I’ve put some of my budget towards it. No more dicking around. 

I will keep you posted. There will likely be bitching. 😉 But I am hoping lots of irritating proud posts too. 

Weight-loss is a journey that never ends. You don’t cross the finish line.