Some nights I close my eyes and imagine feeling your lips on mine, your whispered words slowly pushing my legs apart.
Michael Faudet (via michaelfaudet)
Mmmm… yes, I do.
I am ALMOST done my deck. The top is done, inside rails and all the bits I could reach on it are done, the stair treads, the handrail (front and back) and so now I’ve just got the backsides to do – I’m going to need something to climb on and I think my dog’s old dog house (Alex, I miss you buddy) will do the trick. and then it will be staining the bugger! Progress is happening.
My kids leave on Thursday morning. This is going to be HARD. It’s like getting a snap shot into the future 12 years. I know I can fill my time with deck decorating and projects up the hoopamajoop. The hardest part is going to be trying not to overwhelm Misty with all my freeness. I hate feeling like I can’t do something. Like, I can’t just drive out to see her/him if I felt like it. I hate feeling like I could become a nuisance with my new found freedom. The trouble is I want to spend more time with him/her.
*deep cleansing breath*
One thing, one day, one action, one belly laugh at a time.