I love the tv in front of my treadmill and I love the ‘walks of the world’ s/he gave me for my birthday. It is a fabulous way to Zen out while I rack up my weekly km’s. Tonight I put a slide show up from my pictures folder – a huge mishmash of pictures from the last three years.
I had a really stressful day at work today. As the slides shuffled through, in no particular order, the music on my ipod keeping my pace, I thought about my journey. Life, my dear friends, is a crazy, wild, scary-as-fuck, joy-spilling thing. I was overwhelmed with feeling so damned blessed as I ran. Stress, pain, sadness – these things will come and go. And so will the good stuff. Ebb an flow.
My friends, family and the wonderful people I meet along the way make all the difference.