“What is love to you?” I asked her
S/he gave me a strange and interesting answer. Lots to think about.
I know, in my heart and mind, what love is. And as much as I joke, it’s not a blind whore with a mental disease and no sense of humour… no, even all crazy jaded I can see the beauty and truth in love.
So many, much more gifted writers have given love shape than me – but I will agree with something that s/he said – love has no agenda. Love isn’t about *my* feelings, my wants, my desires – no, it is about seeing the beauty in another person. Seeing it, and then wishing to pay homage to it with kindness, with care and wanting all of the best for that other person.
I have loved and have had to let go.
I have had love dry up and blow away under the judgements of my partner, who clearly did not love *me*.
Love can hurt like a mother fucker.
But it can also be nothing short of the best damn high ever.
It is a risk. Even with no expectations, we open ourselves fully to that other person. We are exposed. Raw.
But I also believe
Fortune favours the brave.