Lunch today.

Which may not look like much, but I had a stupid, enormous breakfast of crap ( there were donuts, plural).

I need to get running again. (How many times do I need to say that?) I’ll feel better. I’m just so damn tired lately, which I recognize is that vicious circle of not exercising.

Thomas’ goldfish, Buddy, died. And it looks like our cat, Chinook, is on her way put too. She’s lost a ton of weight in two weeks and hasn’t eaten in a day and a bit. The kids are all upset, and I feel so lost… Balls. It’s just balls.

Georgia put one of her little blankets on Chinook and moved her water next to her. Nate is insisting she has the flu.

Tonight I am going out to a Lions dinner with Ginny. She keeps asking how things are with my lover. 🙂 she makes
70 look awesome.

Back to work… I hope you are all enjoying the day.