I almost put a different Rumi quote on this image:
“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
But I’m feeling all squishy and romantic, and as notorious as it may be to some, I just feel like I am being true to me – following my heart.
It’s totally not safe, but when the hell is following your heart safe?! I’m taking giant, joyful leaps out of my comfort zone, which can make me feel like I’m living with my heart in my throat – that scary, sweet-baby-jesus-here-we-go!!! feeling. Everytime, I have been amazed by how empowering and fun it is – the fear was silly. And I have the most amazing person to hold my hand and jump with me.
As for the notorious… well, haters are gonna hate, aren’t they? There will be varying degrees of that I’m sure. But fuck those guys! I’m in love with man/woman who’s levels of kink rival my own (we have a tally going, I think s/he is currently winning), and that my friends, is absolutely priceless. Add to that all the non-sexy shit that I think is just hands down amazing about her/him, wrap it all up in either jeans or latex and I am dizzy with how much I love and lust after her/him.
I should also mention that I am deeply lucky – that s/he is married to a woman who is generous enough to share him. Someday I hope to be able to tell her how thankful I am, to say thank you to her. How do you thank someone who shares with you something so special, something that has changed your life? I feel all teary just thinking about it.
To all you fabulous people out there – Here is to following your heart. Being notorious. And creating the life you want to live. *clink*