iPod Update, *slightly* new design changes, and a couple of new pages

So I made a few changes to the design of my page – nothing crazy, but moved a few pictures around, added a tags link/page (up on the sticky note menu), and down by my mug, there is a piece of paper that links to my music list. On that page there are all the ipod updates I’ve done with links to the page and a direct link to the song (click to listen or right click to download).

I updated my ipod song today to an acoustic version of Heartlines by Florence + The Machine.

Just keep following the heartlines on your hand
Just keep following the heartlines on your hand
Keep it up, I know you can
Just keep following the heartlines on your hand
Cause I am

Can you see mine? It starts between my index and middle finger, and goes deeply around my hand.

I hope this day finds you following yours, being authentic and living your truth.