Have I mentioned I love my job? I do. It is my happy place. It is so good to feel like a part of a team, and we’re all working hard to make the company into something bigger. All putting in extra effort to turn it from simply a job into a wealth engine.
I’m working late every day for the next month, and on the weekends I don’t have the kids, which is this weekend. I’m looking forward to it. I’ve even asked my boss for a key for Christmas so I can work over the holidays. I don’t have the kids this year and it’s just going to be me and the dog for a week. I may bring him with me.
Tonight I was relaxed picking up the kids. Yes we are running behind schedule for our evening routine because of my extra hour, but I just let it go. I knew dinner was only going to be 30 minutes to prepare, it was already to slap together, I could make lunches while it cooked. It would be fine. Now that the Christmas lights are up everywhere, and it was dark when I picked them up, so we took a tour of our village on the way home. Why not. 🙂 We went down side streets looking for new light displays, Nate asked me to put Christmas Boney M on, and we ooh’ed and ahhh’ed over the lit up houses. Even the lame ones. It was fun. And really, really lovely. Everyone was in a great mood when we got home and the whole evening was pleasant, even the “time for bed” parts.
I’m counting my blessings. My kids. My friends. My job. My life. Everyone is sleeping now. I am working on a side project for some possible “future money” for an old friend tonight. It could turn into something, it may not, but I keep looking to the horizon, keep dreaming, and that is a blessing too.