“Home” by Paige Bradley (yes, I love her stuff)

I have been thinking a great deal about what I want, trying to visualize my future, as mucky and foggy as it feels. A and I were talking about what we want in our partners, and she emailed me her list. I had been scribbling things down in my journal, but it was something the other day that read that touched me, and made solid in my own heart and mind, what is critically important. It’s in this list. So are totally shallow superficial things, because it’s a work in progress, and it’s my damn list. 

My list:

  •  Dominant. Without having to prove it. With nonchalance.
  •  Must have refined tastes, well read with a sense of style. 
  •  A bit of a bastard
  •  Funny
  •  Romantic
  •  Wants to be in my life, but still maintain his own
  •  Encourages my dreams 
  •  Tall (I like feeling tiny, it’s a thing)
  •  Loves to travel
  •  Adventurous and likes to try new things (but not the bungee cord kind)
  •  Can’t get enough of me
  •  Relaxed
  •  Filthy dirty and wants to have sex with me – All. The. Damn. Time. Lots of   D/s with some regular stuff thrown in for good measure.
  •  Cuddles.
  •  Hard working at whatever he does. 
  •  A positive person with a love of life
  •  Excellent, all around hygiene! (A and I joked about this)
  • Truthful, and straight forward. Not passive aggressive.
  • Open and himself with me – others may see parts of him, but I get the whole package. I am his sacred place – where he can be himself, and he is mine, where I can just be me. No masks. No compartments. 

I realize this is a tall order. And this is a list in flux. I will never be in a “normal” relationship again. With me being responsible for my 4 little people, I can’t see myself ever bringing someone into their lives. Our lives are so harried with the daily routine, to think about someone in my life full time? No, I think that would be hard on them. I’m pulled in a million directions as it is right now. So I don’t want someone in my back pocket, and I don’t want to be in theirs. I do want to be their sacred place, though, even if we don’t get to sleep together every night. 
I’d love to know what other people’s lists look like (those who are still looking) – How does yours differ? What are your deal breakers? What is the most superficial thing?