K had received a facebook message from one of my ex’s friends. It was just… weird, that he would email her, out of the blue, after well over a year, just to say “Hey, how’s it going?”. Especially considering how ugly everything got. This was how the conversation went from there:
Me: That is just crazy weird. I liked “D”. I think he was one of Mike’s friends who commented on his facebook about “tossing the midget”, which made me sad. Mike made sure everyone thinks I’m a monster.
K: Well i’m not replying to him. I deleted him off FB when the shit hit the fan so that Mike could never use D to find out stuff about you (via me). He was never my friend anyway. I mean, there’s no reason for me to talk to him on FB. And after making a comment like that, he’s lucky I don’t drive out to X or whatever burb he’s living in and rip his balls off and shove them down his throat.
Me: I love you. *hugs*
K: It’s all true. Saw this great quote today and thought of you… “Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” – Oprah Winfrey – And i’ll take the bus with you anytime.
Me: Me too, lady.
K: Old, purple hair, knitting in our purses, on the bus. Haha